Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I'm still here

Redesign in the works....and I've been having some extreme technical difficulties, but all is well and I'm back on track with making this blo awesome.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Meal planning has always been so intimidating for me. I look at my planner, then look at the fact I have to plan for 30 days...and just say to hell with it. The issue is; meal planning not only saves me money, but it also keeps my diet balanced.

I've been using Emeals off and on for two years now. Due to the fact I haven't been living my healthiest  life, I didn't renew my subscription for quite a while, which has been probably played a major role in my weight gain. I subscribed to the clean eating & Vegetarian option and I can say it is a great way to begin to eat healthy, without putting any thought into it.

However, with any meal planning service, you will come across things that you don't really have a desire to that's when all the cookbooks and food blogs come in. I have a SUPER diverse palette, and sometimes I want something that isn't mainstream.  My daughter's palette is getting there, but she will even eat some things I refuse to eat (escargot anyone?).

With all that said, here are a few tips to planning your meals, to make it easier:

Friday, October 26, 2012


Almost all of the happiest and saddest times of my life involve food. From baby showers to funerals - there is no event that doesn't involve at least a 4-course meal.

I can’t restrain myself from trying everything in sight…as long as it isn’t processed (chili cheese fritos & fries are exempt). Yes, I do have boundaries to my lunacy. LOL Don’t bother me with your sodium filled broccoli & cheddar pre-made rice pack. I don’t want anyone’s ‘Just add meat’ one skillet meal. I want quiche, and rolls with real butter, and whipped cream with heavy whipping cream….OOOHHH THE BEAUTY OF REAL FOOD!

Now, of course many say there is nothing wrong with loving good food..and there isn’t, when you control your portions and exercise! Yes my friends….I do NEITHER. Put me in a food coma, spank my ass and call me Sally – but you won’t get me to workout.

It’s not that I hate working out. I’m just very particular because I know exactly what I need to work on to lose the weight. I know how I need to eat….it’s just…I don’t really want to do it. I know I have to be active, so I do things like…park at the back of the mall or grocery store parking lot. Go browsing at Ikea, since it’s humongous and I can literally live in that store if they let me. Walk my daughter to school every now and then, and maybe walk on the beach in the soft sand for 45 I'm KINDA doing healthy stuff. Yes? *Smile*

I’m also a firm believer that I must get my portions and what I’m eating in control before I even attempt a workout regimen. If you aren’t fueling your body properly, working out is pointless! Your workouts are miserable because your body is loaded with bad food. It's also pointless if you still are just putting the same calories, carbs and fats right back in!

So… food, to you I say……………we need to re-evaluate our relationship...AGAIN.

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