Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Meal planning has always been so intimidating for me. I look at my planner, then look at the fact I have to plan for 30 days...and just say to hell with it. The issue is; meal planning not only saves me money, but it also keeps my diet balanced.

I've been using Emeals off and on for two years now. Due to the fact I haven't been living my healthiest  life, I didn't renew my subscription for quite a while, which has been probably played a major role in my weight gain. I subscribed to the clean eating & Vegetarian option and I can say it is a great way to begin to eat healthy, without putting any thought into it.

However, with any meal planning service, you will come across things that you don't really have a desire to that's when all the cookbooks and food blogs come in. I have a SUPER diverse palette, and sometimes I want something that isn't mainstream.  My daughter's palette is getting there, but she will even eat some things I refuse to eat (escargot anyone?).

With all that said, here are a few tips to planning your meals, to make it easier:

  • To avoid being overwhelmed, plan each week separately and move on to the next week once it is completed. 
  • Shop every two weeks to keep from making too many trips to the store. I hate weekly shopping, it consumes too much time, so I normally go every two weeks. I used to go once a month, depending on the veggies I was using. If I have a lot of veggies that will go bad fast, I go every two weeks.
  • Shop in bulk for the staple items you know you will have to use to save yourself money. That includes buying spices by weight instead of buying it pre-packaged. You'll save yourself anywhere from $1 to $3 - which is a big savings if you love to use spices to cook ( which I do)..but when you go to that baking aisle or wherever your grocery store keeps their pre-packaged spices, you can spend anywhere from $2  up to $6! Example: Cardamom costs almost $4.00 if I buy it in a jar. I can go to the bulk aisle and pay $0.80 or less an ounce. Those small jars are usually about two ounces. 
  • Use the money you save from buying things from the bulk bins, to purchase fresh IN SEASON produce. I usually go to the hispanic market, because all the produce is cheaper. I'm gonna be real, I can't afford to eat everything organic - and some organic foods are genetically modified, but we'll save that for another post.  Use this list to determine which foods are safest to eat 'non organic'. I would love to eat all organic produce. Most of it tastes better, but I can't afford to buy ALL organic...but that is still no excuse to eat bad.
That is all I have for today....and my bed is now covered in recipes, calendars, computer cords and notebooks..and it's halloween!!!! Be safe and don't go on a candy binge!


  1. yay moe!!! I think I'm going to get on this bandwagon. I think the main issue for me is getting bored with food, so I go and excite myself by eating carne asada nachos etc. LMAO!!! I get so excited about eating food, i just don't take the time to plan like I used to. So with that said, I'm heading over to emeals and see whats up with that. I look forward to your posts!

  2. I love the E-Meals Idea, But my husband and kids are picky eaters. Hopefully, They have meals they will eat.

  3. Emeals has some pretty family friendly recipes in my opinion. My ex was the most picky eater- he was like a big kid. No shrimp, no indian food (until his mom urged him to try it)...and he was pretty satisfied with the choices offered. For the most part, even if the meal calls for an 'exotic' ingredient, it's still usually something the majority of people will like.

  4. I'm so horrible. Went to West Hollywood and had some nachos & garlic fries! HOWEVER, I think I walked the equivalent of 3 miles though...But, I decided I was gonna be gung-ho starting on November 1st, which is tomorrow. lol


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